Icknield Road Club

Icknield Road Club
A cycling club in Central Bedfordshire


IRC members
Welcome to the Icknield Road Club!

We are a cycling club of around 100 members based in Central Bedfordshire. Our members range in age from 8 to 92 with interests ecompassing the social side of cycling through our Sunday Club Runs and Tuesday Evening chats over tea and cake as well as keeping the competitive juices flowing with a Tuesday Evening Time Trial league throughout the summer. Our competitive members also enter a number of Open Time Trials as well as keeping fit over the winter with a Zwift racing series.

We welcome new members of all ages, abilities and cycling experience - all we ask is a love of tea, cake and all things pedal-powered!

More details on all of our activities, who to contact and how to join can be found at the top of the page.

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